Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sometimes Life Knows Best

Since DEEP I've not been painting much. It was such a time of growth in so many ways and I was introduced to so many amazing women that I think I needed a time to just let it all settle.

This past week I've felt a natural movement towards my table.

THE table.

The one with paint, glue, paper, pencils, stamps, ink, newspapers and magazines, brushes and pens and, oh Holy Mother! (and I say this in the most reverent way) color and images.

Feels good.


  1. Your table sounds so lovely. This piece is so beautiful...I especially love the glittery texture of "grow"!

  2. I am so glad you posted this ... I find myself missing Deep and yet unable to get myself all settled and focused to really PAINT. And while I know it is just a natural part of the cycle of creating, of course I begin to question myself. But you affirm what I know to be true: after such intense growth, there is a need for integration, a time to be quiet and let the energies settle and move where they are needed. Yes, resting my head upon the cool tile, moving within, curling up into gharbasana and awaiting that first tendril of new growth to emerge.

    I so love the previous pieces you wrote here ... thank you dear friend for providing some much needed sustenance this day ... I cannot wait to see what emerges from your table of color and images!

    xo Lis

  3. Lovely ladies, thanks for dropping by and saying hello. I love your company and appreciate your comments. So glad that we have met and have continued our friendship post BIG and DEEP and All The Stories. You have made my life so much richer by knowing you.
